(197 words, 46-second read)
A colleague asked me, “I always get positive comments from the students about you. But this term was off the chart. What’s the one thing you do that causes that?”
Sidebar: I actually have a point. And I am not telling you this to brag. Buuut…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
One thing: It’s my fault that she said one thing because she knows I constantly bang on the one thing drum.
Not one thing: I told her, “In this case, it’s not one thing. It’s a combination of all the things.”
- From the first-day phone calls.
- To the announcements.
- To the discussion boards.
- To the non-judgey texts that are sincerely meant to check in with them and make sure everything is cool.
Reality check: For some, maybe the only thing you have to make yourself likable is your writing. Which is another reason I am here.
Gut punch 🥊: But for most, I’ll bet you have LOTS of points of contact. So, you might be a persuasive – or even likable – writer.
- But if you’re a tool everywhere else. You’re writing with lipstick.
Take action🎬: Check yourself. Are you being congruent in all your channels of communication?
Fun fact: The first draft of this was 473 words. Yeah. A lot was lipstick.